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Sales Force Training by Axiom SFD

Many Sales Organizations have adopted the “Be Like Mike” approach. They point to a successful rep on their team and tell the other sales reps to “Sell Like Mike”.
Dallas, TX, United States (pr4links.com) 02/03/2011
Dallas, TX - March 02, 2011 -- In 1991, the Quaker Oats Company signed NBA star Michael Jordan to a 10 year endorsement deal for their Gatorade sports drink. The Creative Chief of Gatorade’s ad agency, Bernie Pitzel, was chartered with introducing Jordan and Gatorade to the world.

Pitzel’s strategy was simple: “I knew millions of people wanted to be like Michael Jordan” he said. And the “Be Like Mike” campaign was born.

You may remember the commercial – a group of kids try to copy Jordan’s moves in front of the star. The kids aren’t too successful but Jordan goofs around with them and drinks the product throughout the commercial.

It was the most successful ad in the 26-year history of Gatorade and after a few months of the campaign, Gatorade passed oatmeal in sales for the first time.

Many Sales Organizations(http://www.axiomsfd.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=56) have adopted the “Be Like Mike” approach. They point to a successful rep on their team and tell the other sales reps to “Sell Like Mike”. This is an end results oriented approach – we like this Sales Rep’s results so naturally other Reps should follow what he does.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. The other Reps probably lack Sales Rep Mike’s experience, skills and knowledge. Mike has figured out a successful process and structure for him and it may not be transferable to others.

Identifying a successful process and structure for all your sales reps is the sole focus of Axiom Sales Force Development. The core of our program of sales force training(http://www.axiomsfd.com/index.php?option=com_moofaq&view=category&id=46&Itemid=61) is sales process development and behavioral change. Your Sales Reps take ownership because they have a clearly defined process where they can see a win.

I invite you to learn more about Axiom SFD, when you do you’ll discover we have helped thousands of sales professionals develop the skills necessary to differentiate themselves, their companies, and their products in highly competitive markets by taking our sales force training(http://www.axiomsfd.com)courses.

Contact :
Axiom SFD
740 E. Campbell Rd, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75081


KJ Public Relations kjprnews@gmail.com http://www.kjprnews.com +91-996-269-3108


Axiom SFD

Dallas, TX
Zipcode : 75081