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Politicians And Payday Loans-Are These Both Dirty Words?

A debate arose recently, post British budget, and the central question of the debate was if politicians and payday loans are both dirty words. The words don’t seem in anyway related but the debate linked them.
Victoria, London, United Kingdom (pr4links.com) 17/04/2011
A debate arose recently, post British budget, and the central question of the debate was if politicians and payday loans are both dirty words. The words don’t seem in anyway related but the debate linked them,

The debate happened shortly after the UK budget. The backdrop to the debate being that there are plenty of British families reeling from the reality shock of the budget. It is no wonder as this is a budget which a poll from one of the UK’s largest unions has revealed will force more families deeper into debt.

So let’s ask the question again about payday loans and politicians and see if there is a connection. Some people who feel fed up with working long hours for money that doesn’t make ends meet, may feel that both politicians and payday loans are a necessary evil.

The politicians are a necessary evil in so far as someone has to keep the country running, but the big issue is how they run it. As we know it is not just us Brits who are suffering, some other countries are even worse off, and the politicians in certain countries have lots and lots to answer for. Payday loans are a necessary evil for those who have emergencies, especially since getting credit became more challenging, but the demand for payday loans is continuing to increase.

Life is set to become even harder for families who are on lower incomes, to the extent that they may have to live without some of the essentials. Understandably these people could easily feel bitterness towards politicians, in nice cars, wearing nice clothes and appearing to have a posh life, and all at the expense of the tax payer. Also understandable many of these families may choose to use payday loans just to get to the end of the month less painfully.

For those of us, who are working hard all the time and even harder as life gets tougher, then there are basic questions that raise themselves. What kind of a society do we live in where parents are so worn down that they have hardly any energy left to give to raising children well or to each other as couples? What kind of a society is it that cannot afford to encourage talent, as we have so many debts personally and also as countries in many cases? These are just a few of the questions that come to mind on this subject.

But let’s face it with rising fuel and food costs, the VAT increase and multiple cuts in benefits and rises in taxes, there is even less time to mull over these type of questions. The best we can do is face and deal with reality, and try to find ways to enjoy ourselves, in a healthy, fun way-and ideally cheap or free!

In conclusion if the politicians manage to serve us as they should then the word politicians is no longer a dirty word. Payday loans are nothing more than a useful service in emergency situations, and only becomes a dirty word if used with a lack of control and planning.

Cash Choice is a well-established company offering payday loans ( http://www.cashchoiceuk.co.uk ) and encouraging customers to use them wisely.



Cash Choice is a business set up to help you with any financial emergency by offering you a cash advance. We realise that as organised as a person might be, there are situations that can take you by surprise.


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